Not your average business podcast

Everyone has a story about work—not about their job, but about what happens in the office. Like that time you caught your coworker fast asleep or when you accidentally emailed your boss...about how much you hate your boss.

What’s Working isn’t career advice or thought leadership, it’s the stories about work you hear over drinks with friends.

Every Monday, join host Emily Hebner as she uncovers true stories to get you through your work week.


“These stories are great - perfectly bite sized. Very fun to hear how many crazy things happen at work all the time.”

- BDickstein11


“Loving the topics of this show. Found myself thinking 'I relate' to a lot of the convos. Excited to hear more!”

- Hachey908


Emily Hebner is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Managed by Q and host of the What’s Working podcast. Prior to Managed by Q, Emily worked in many roles including teacher, consultant, accountant, and operations manager and has proudly been fired three times in her career. As someone with an eclectic and unusual work background, Managed by Q found her perfectly suited to host the podcast that shares eclectic and unusual work stories.